Friday, September 27, 2019

Recommendation Report on the MDCM Board for Optimum IT Projects Essay

Recommendation Report on the MDCM Board for Optimum IT Projects Selection - Essay Example The team discussed the strategic goals of the company as part of the exercise and derived the strategic IT objectives from the same. Strategic IT objectives as derived from the Strategic goals of MDCM: 1. To create an integrated MDCM IT based network to achieve cost effectiveness and process efficiency. (SO1) 2. To increase use of the internet as a means of networking and communications for customers and suppliers.(SO2) 3. To focus upon IT consolidation by creating a single, centralized view of MDCM’s overall IT assets and capabilities and to develop a sophisticated IT capability which would speed up the information flow. (SO3) Methodology of the study: The team discussed the strategic goals of MDCM and arrived upon the strategic IT objectives. Further, the team studied the IT objectives and with due diligence exercises, arrived at the proposed IT projects to fulfill the strategic IT objectives. The projects have been coded for study and presentation purposes as P1 through P12 . However, the MDCM board being the final decision making body, the team arrived at scorecards and a proposed portfolio for the board to consider for deciding the optimum portfolio. Also, the team has discussed the dependencies among the various projects for effective implementation of the same. Criteria for making scorecard weightages: Based on due diligence and feedback from the corporate functional heads, the criteria for assigning weightages to the Likelihood of success or risk Vs the Value to the Business were determined as follows: Likelihood of success (L) criteria, coded as L1 through L6: L1: Technical standards: 10% L2: Skills, capability and training: 10% L3: Scope and complexity: 25% L4: Business alignment : 22% L5: Risk : 21% L6: Management capability: 12% Value to the business (V) criteria coded as V1 through V6: V1 : Financial return: 30% V2: Customer and consumer focus: 20% V3: Supply chain business benefits: 15% V4: Technology efficiency: 15% V5: Knowledge advantage: 10% V6: Work/life balance: 10% The Corporate heads and the ITPM team were asked to rate the each of the projects on a scale of 1 to 10 as to the Likelihood of success of each project and its value to the organization based on the strategic IT objectives as discussed above. For example, the ‘L’ scores for project P1 on X axis that is Likelihood of success factors are tabulated as follows: P1 Criteria 'L' Score weight Max Score relative value absolute value L1 6 10% 10 60.00% 6.00% L2 4 10% 10 40.00% 4.00% L3 5 25% 10 50.00% 12.50% L4 7 22% 10 70.00% 15.40% L5 8 21% 10 80.00% 16.80% L6 7 12% 10 70.00% 8.40% Â   Â   Â   Â   Total Value 63.10% Where, ‘L’ represents: The Likelihood of success of the given project ‘Score’ is the mean rating given by the ITPM team for the given IT project on the respective ‘L’ factor. ‘Weight’ is the weightage assigned to the respective ‘L’ factor ‘Max Score’ is the Maximum rating that can be given to a project for the respective ‘L’ factor. ‘Relative value’ is the relative rating of the project on the given ‘L’ factor. ‘Absolute Value’ is the weighted rating of the project on the given ‘L’ factor. Total Value is the total weighted rating of the project on all the ‘L’ factors. Similarly, the ‘V’ scores for project P1 were as follows: P1 Criteria 'V' Score weight Max Score relative value absolute value V1 7 30% 10 70.00% 21.00% V2 8 20% 10 80.00% 16.00% V3 6 15% 10 60.00% 9.00% V4 6 15% 10 60.00% 9

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